terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2011

A nova ordem mundial part3 (XXXVII)

As ovelhas, as estúpidas das ovelhas!!!

Aqui fica o link que contém o discurso de Jaques Delors no RIIA em 1992.

E de seguida a continuação do mesmo....

I would add - and I will not go into detail - that economic  integration, unless it is backed by a strong political will, will not in itself produce stronger international institutions or help create world government.This is why, although the need for a new world  order is self-evident, our era is one of trial and error or, as the  harsher critics among us would have it, of impotence, inability to take on world challenges.

- A nossa era é de experimentação, adaptação, mutação constante da identidade que define uma pessoa, um grupo, ou um pais. Todas estas crises, económicas, ecológicas e sociais são fabricadas de modo a introduzir o medo como forma de estar numa sociedade, é o medo do desemprego, é o medo dos juros da divida, é o medo do aquecimento global, é o medo de mais uma guerra, choque sobre choque, até as pessoas começarem por fim a quebrar mentalmente.

- Mas as ovelhas, as estúpidas das ovelhas, não se apercebem da fabricação constante destes medos, como procuram sempre algum salvador da pátria para lhes dar a segurança da "normalidade".

- Não entendem que se todos tivermos o mesmo medo então seremos mais maleáveis em abdicar de liberdades em prol desse medo desaparecer, coisa que nunca acontece. Por exemplo o terrorismo irá permanecer durante décadas porque serve um propósito, nada mais, quando deixar de ser util, é como se nunca tivesse existido.

- Brzezinski chama aos talibans o que nos anos 80 eram os mujahideen, povo islâmico fortemente financiado e armado pela elite que este homem representava, de modo a combater os soviéticos no Afeganistão.

- Eu chamo-lhes de povo e não de grupo islâmico porque eles não passam de Afegãos. 

If we are to resist the forces of fragmentation, protectionism and exclusion, we must be more than just aware of our interdependence. We must move on and manage it, setting common objectives and applying common rules. Can the  European Community, the product of a very different context, born of hostility and incomprehension, provide a blueprint for the creation of this new world order?

- A aplicação de regras comuns é essencial para controlar o mercado a que se destinam as regras, mas também porque quebra sempre uma lei nacional em favor de uma lei internacional.

The European Community contribution,The Community experiment in interdependence in a common framework without
being under the domination of any one nation must be the longest-running. It has its limitations, but it is a living process and an enriching one. In the context of a new world order it is certainly worth observing, even if the principles governing it cannot necessarily be reproduced. Let us deal right away with an objection that many have considered significant, but which will hardly stand up to close examination any longer: that is the image of Fortress Europe, the European Community as an economic bloc.

Unlike the attempts at regional autarky in the 1930s, the European Community has shown for a long time that it is a factor for growth  in international trade and its increasing liberalization. Our trading  partners are gradually being won over to the idea that regional integration has a dynamic impact on all, and the European model  is an inspiration for others - witness the recent agreements concluded by the United States, Canada and Mexico.

- Sendo este texto de 1992, vejam bem ao tempo que a unificação está sendo preparada nas américas.

So, having disposed of that canard, let me come to what seems to me the most interesting aspect for the matter at issue: the principles governing the Community, and their relevance to the establishment of a new world order. Thirty-five years after the European Community was set up, I believe it is not too presumptuous to claim that it still has something revolutionary about it, that it is something of a "laboratory" for the management of interdependence. What are these principles?

- Estamos na época de "trial and error" disse Delors à pouco, e nós somos as cobaias, os ratinhos que têm de ser estudados e guiados para ver a interdependência de um país e por arrasto a pessoal como algo benéfico.

I would pinpoint four. The  first  principle may seem very remote, given the failure of  the collective memory; that is, exchanges and cooperation between peoples. At a time when hatred, or simply ignorance and fear of others, is troubling that part of Europe  which has just emerged from the totalitarian nightmare, let us not minimize our gratitude to the men and women who gathered at the Hague Congress in 1948 - first among them Sir Winston Churchill - and set their faces against any notion of revenge, of congenital distrust between peoples. 

They rejected the view that "To the victor belong the spoils" - a philosophy which had dominated many postwar treaties, in which the germs of the next war are planted in the peace settlement, which seek first to satisfy instincts for power and short-term  interests. 

The founding fathers of Europe had the wisdom to set our  countries on a path of solidarity and cooperation which would seem to make any return to the old demons impossible. Our peoples have learned to know each other, to talk to each other and to appreciate each other; this is the key to everything.  Naturally, it does not preclude differences of opinion and arguments, but in the final analysis there is a determination to work out positive compromises.

- O que ele nos está a dizer é que implementaram uma nova  filosofia na Europa, onde, qualquer país que tenha um problema então todos têm de estar solidários e ajudar. Levar as pessoas a reverem-se nos assuntos que só dizem respeito por exemplo aos Franceses ou alemães é a chave para a "causa comum".


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